When speaking with clients and prospects, it’s not uncommon for them to mention email marketing.

Email marketing is a proven route to market for many businesses, but its effectiveness is often driven by your sector and how you use sales emails within your lead generation strategy.

Take an eCommerce business, for example. They’ve spent time driving traffic to their website and optimising their products. Buyer A selects a product they like. However, suddenly the phone rings, someone knocks at the door or something else happens to distract them. When they return to their PC, they’ve moved on to something else.

An efficient CRM, sales team or marketing manager will have created a strategy that enables you to contact that prospect and remind them of the items in their shopping cart, encouraging them to come back and make the purchase. This, however, isn’t so easy to do as a B2B business where you’re selling a service, rather a product that can be purchased online.

Whilst there are marketing automation programmes in place that allow you to email dependent on viewer behaviour, automation platforms can be an expensive addition to your marketing department.

There are, however, several practices that every sales team utilising an email strategy can adopt to improve upon their existing email for marketing and lead generation!

Utilising Emails for Cold Email Outreach

When used correctly, email marketing can help with ongoing lead generation strategy by pushing a call to action. Whilst from time to time suppliers can be direct and ask for the opportunity to speak, often email marketing is used as a mechanism to warm up a cold database of prospects.

What Is the Most Effective Email Strategy for Cold Outreach?

Keep emails short! See below for a couple of email examples that have seen 40% open rates, 21% click-through rates and plenty of responses!

SUBJECT LINE: Yes… I am prospecting!

Hi Firstname,

Quick intro... I’m Ben, one of the founding Directors of The Lead Gen Specialists, 
if the name doesn’t give it away, we specialise in lead generation!

We use email and telemarketing to generate leads that convert.

If you’d be interested in having a quick no-obligation chat, let me know!

All the best, Ben

FOOTER (with links).
SUBJECT LINE: Do you have some time available next week?

Hi *Firstname,

I hope that you’re well, I appreciate that you’re busy, so I’ll get straight 
to the point! 

At The Lead Gen Specialists we work with businesses just like *CompanyName 
in developing effective lead generation programmes, we do this through:

Data – Sourcing the right prospect data.

Telemarketing – Identifying the right Decision Maker and putting your 
solution forward as a viable alternative to their incumbent solution.

Email Marketing – we practice what we preach!

It would be great to get a few minutes in your diary for a quick discovery call 
to discuss exactly how we can drive your sales pipeline forward… book some time with 
me here – https://calendly.com/benleadgenspecialists

Speak soon!

FOOTER (with links).

These are live examples of specific emails within sequential campaigns that are sent out daily and both build brand awareness and generate inbound enquiries.

How to Implement Email Marketing

Email marketing works best when used as part of an integrated approach. When sending out emails, best practice is to monitor the engagement so that if prospects are clicking on active links, the option is to pick up the phone and call them!

Those that are opening emails and clicking through to find out more are showing an interest in that subject matter. Indicating their interest in the topic and possibly the proposition.

Telemarketing campaigns can be easily optimised by taking these simple steps to improve engagement rates… after all, the more decision makers you speak with, the more opportunities you’re going to generate!

If you would be interested in discussing email for marketing and lead generation, and how The Lead Gen Specialists can assist in generating new high quality opportunities, get in touch today on 03332 400 054 or emailing enquiries@leadgenspecialists.co.uk

You may also be interested in taking a look at our article 4 Tips to Improve your Lead Generation & Telemarketing Campaigns