Telemarketing, as a standalone sales and marketing tool, can absolutely generate sales-qualified leads, which your salespeople can then convert into new customers.

Take a look at our 4 top tips for supporting your telemarketing campaigns if you want to supercharge your lead generation strategies.

Engaging With Your Prospects on LinkedIn

By engaging with your prospects on LinkedIn, you can begin to establish additional touchpoints. When you create or post content, it will appear in their newsfeed, helping to reinforce your brand and messaging.

Furthermore, you can begin to like their content, and engage in a conversation with them.

Create Shareable Content

Following our first point, you need to create these additional touch points via content shared to your social network. Your content should be consistent with your digital marketing strategy and aligned with prospects at every stage of the sales cycle, which consists of:

Awareness – Early-stage content that does exactly this, create awareness of your brand and understanding of your prospects market. This helps grab the attention of potential prospects from the bottom of the funnel and can be achieved through general-topic blog posts, well-placed landing pages and other forms of content.

Consideration – Content that encompasses some benefits of your product or service that relates to topical issues. For example, the article you’re currently reading would fall into the “consideration” phase content. We’re talking about common issues that most businesses would face, but giving some benefit as to what we can do to improve upon your historical or even current conversion rates.

Evaluation – This content allows the reader to evaluate you as a supplier, and is purely product or service related. Unlike long-form content, it usually includes testimonials from other clients and points out your strengths as a supplier. This lead generation tactic functions as a final method of converting your prospect. for example, take a look at one of our testimonials here –

We’re demonstrating our expertise in telemarketing and lead generation by showcasing what we are doing for other businesses.

By showing prospects an array of content, they’re even more likely to engage with your sales teams and telemarketers.

Use Content To Steer Users To Taking The Intended Actions

In order to elaborate on your point and move prospects along the sales funnel, you may want to connect through complementary collateral, depending on the type of information you’re providing to your prospects.

For example, take a look at our blog “What should you consider when searching for a B2B telemarketing company?”

Alternatively, if the piece is geared toward evaluating you as supplier you may provide them with a link to another page on your website that further explains your services.

You may increase the number of inbound inquiries by making it simple for readers to get in touch with you by including your contact information in every post rather than making them visit your contact page to discover your phone number, form, or email address.

Try to also keep your call to actions relevant to the article. This article is about telemarketing, and therefore, the likelihood of someone clicking through to find out more about email marketing is less likely.

To successfully generate more leads, execution is not the only important stage. You must analyse all aspects of your overall lead generation strategy and ensure that the probability of failure is as slim as possible.

If you are using a multipronged approach to lead generation, analyse all metrics to understand what is working well for you, and more importantly your prospects. In order to optimise your lead generation strategy, gather as much data as you can including:

  • Understanding how your telemarketing is progressing I.e. Decision maker conversations, number of contacts qualified, pipeline and naturally… leads being generated. Evaluation of how your social network is engaging with your content, and what are you doing to increase readership?
  • Are you distributing your content via email marketing? If so, this will be a good indicator as to the type of content that your prospect database is most interested in. If they’re engaging with a particular theme, create more content on that subject matter!

By acting on your analysis, you can begin to enhance your lead generation campaigns.

If you would be interested in finding out more about how The Lead Gen Specialists can work with you to help fill your calendar with sales meetings, get in touch today on 03332 400 054 or email