LinkedIn is a powerful, professional network comprising 650+ Million users. We all use LinkedIn for connecting with our customers, colleagues, and friends, many also use it as a prospecting tool.

However, many are LinkedIn Robots.

With the development of machine learning & AI, it is already the case that much of online chat is performed by bots. Mundane tasks are already automated and human activity mimicked, but are you a human LinkedIn robot?

What Do We Mean By LinkedIn Robots?

When a connection changes role, we get a notification and can press a button that sends the connection an impersonal message congratulating them on their new venture. Each year, when your birthday comes along, you will more than likely get a number of messages coming through wishing you a happy birthday, again from the single click of a button.

Other types of LinkedIn Robots exist, such as those that send a connection request with no initial greeting or subsequent follow-up message, or those that like but do not comment on posts.

We’re not saying that liking posts or sending connection requests is a bad thing. But if you want to generate new business from LinkedIn, you’ll need to do a lot more than just like a connection’s post!

How Do You Make the Transition From LinkedIn Robot to Engaging Member?

Creating content does not come naturally to all, and let’s face it, using LinkedIn as a prospecting tool can be laborious, repetitive and incredibly time-consuming.

That being said, whilst it may be time-consuming, for many, LinkedIn is a powerful tool that can really help to increase your new business pipeline.

We encourage our B2B clients to consider incorporating LinkedIn prospecting into their marketing strategy. You are not only increasing brand awareness by sharing content with your ever-expanding network.

By establishing additional touch points, the connection will have a known, trusted point of contact when the time comes to review their incumbent solution.

The great thing about prospecting on LinkedIn is that it does not have to be as painstaking as you may have initially thought!

What to Consider When Developing a LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategy

  • Who do you want to target, who are the likely Decision Makers, and within which industries?
  • How are you going to engage with these prospects? Sending a connection request alone will allow you to gain new connections, but what can you do to engage them in a conversation?
  • What content can you share with your network to show your knowledge of their sector, and how you can make an impact on their needs?
  • Are you ready to make the transition from a LinkedIn Robot to a prospecting pro?

At The Lead Gen Specialists, we are regularly speaking with our clients about how they are currently engaging new prospects, and many have tried using LinkedIn to build their pipeline. What they have come across is that it can be time-consuming, and ultimately, there are more time-critical tasks that need to be done, with LinkedIn often taking a back seat.

What many do not realise is that it isn’t difficult to engage in new conversations with new prospects, if you know how. If you’d be interested in having a conversation about what we can do to help with your prospecting, get in touch on 03332 400 054 or send an email to