B2B Data Lists

GDPR Compliant B2B Data

The Lead Gen Specialists have access to several verified, GDPR compliant, data brokers that are used to source data on behalf of our clients.

Using FAINT (Funds, Authority, Interest, Need & Timing) to Source B2B Data

During your initial onboarding session, we will look at your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). By taking the time to understand who your existing customers are, what problems you have helped them to solve, and why they bought from you, we can build a picture of who sits within your ICP. Ultimately allowing us to not only source the right B2B Data for you but buy B2B Data that is going to allow for a significant ROI on your sales and marketing spend. 

B2B Data & Intent Data

Sourcing Raw Marketing Data and Intent Data to fuel your Lead Generation Activity

Any successful marketing and lead generation campaign relies heavily upon having a suitable prospect database. With access to over 5 million B2B Decision Makers from our Data Brokers, we understand not only how to source data, but how to source the right data for your needs. 

Our approach involves understanding your proposition, the Decision Making Unit within each sector, target markets, company profiles, and target geography. We will compile our research in a full data strategy report detailing the data that is readily available to you. In addition, providing recommendations on data that is likely to have the highest impact in delivering a positive ROI when taking your proposition to market. 

Depending on your market, messaging and proposition, it may be that a blended approach to B2B data sourcing is recommended: 

B2B Raw Marketing Data: Using FAINT (Funds that a company has) rather than simply BANT (Budget that the decision maker holds) to profile your ICP, we will compile a database of companies that meet your ideal customer and FAINT profile. This data will continually be enriched throughout the lead generation activity, adding new Decision Makers that are discovered, and gaining market intelligence that shall be shared with you.

B2B Intent Data: In addition to the raw B2B Data, we may look to source Intent Data. Intent Data is defined by engagement with relevant content and/or details of any tech that has been installed by the prospect company.

LinkedIn/Sales Navigator Prospects: Utilising proprietary software, we can source contacts from LinkedIn and build a bespoke database to integrate within your marketing campaign.

By taking this blended approach to data sourcing, we can not only source data prospects within the types of businesses that are most likely to buy from you. But also, those that have a more imminent and known need. 

If you would be interested in exploring options on how we can source the right data to fuel your lead generation campaigns, get in touch today to speak with one of our specialist team.

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Why Buy B2B Data?

Finding the right data for you!

By utilising the skills sets of The Lead Gen Specialists when sourcing B2B data, you will benefit from:
Experienced Data Buyers
We source data daily, and therefore understand what to look for when profiling your data.
GDPR Compliant B2B Data
All data sourced by The Lead Gen Specialists is compliant with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation.
Verified Decision Makers
Data sourced containing verified Senior Decision Makers based on those likely to buy from you.
TPS & CTPS Verified
All data sourced is checked against the TPS & CTPS (Corporate/Telephone Preference Service).